Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Beware Republicans and Democrats on asking for Weiner resignation!

I'm not here to excuse anyone behavior, but asking for his resignation is a far far step for politicians to try to cross. Their is a big scare going on with both parties in regards to the Anthony Weiner scandal that will bring shock waves throughout the political establishment, and also will address long lingering issues is a affair, no matter how public it gets diffuse, worth quiting your job. A lot of politicians have done the same exact thing or worse, past and present that Weiner has done. Right now, they are trying to contact all their past in order to try to figure out a way if Weiner resigns to come out of the ashes after the dust settles. In their mind, they have to show face, but also have been careful to cast any stone.

If the ladies in the Weiner scandal start to build into cash cows for the media, than it will insight other would be reality stars into turning over evidence of their trangressions. Its a slippery slope, and I believe it has just begun in which politicians personal life should have no bearing on their ability to their job. This is the big question if Anthony Weiner resigns than a lot of other politicians will have to pack their bags as well including Republicans, which has been a huge part of the fire storm in concentrating resources in over exposing Weiner in this scandal. While the attention draws on Weiner, than it makes the focus of their dismal record on the economy and other important issues escape the limelight of their job approval rating.

It is many Tiger Woods in the U.S Capitol. I can guarantee if Weiner resigns even admist the possibility of a xxx graphic photo than it will send shockwaves throughout politics. A lot of good politicians that have been doing their jobs for years will have to face the mirror of their own actions. So be careful politicians of what you ask for as a result in this investigation. After a while, its going to be the public asking for information on your personal phone calls, emails, and etc that will be investigated by a ethics commitee that should be called the unethical members on the commitee tactics. I'm sure if their cell phones become public record than it will show the many ill conceive acts in which they condemn Weiner with, as a direct association in regards to their own conduct.

My question with the woman Meagan Broussard, is definitely a liar. All throughout her fox interview she looks to the left, as a direct sign that she is trying to think of ways to elaborate her story. Definitely be on the look out for her to be another check book public speaker, asking top dollar for her interviews, if she hasnt already recieved it. She had all the time in the world to bring this scandal to the public attention, but choose to remain silent as if she was a victim. No, she saw a bunch of money that was going to be missing in the recession, and felt she deserved a piece of the pie. A clear sell out, but who can blame her, but a lot of politicians do not need a repeat t.v/news front page headline.

I have also notice that not too many politicians are commenting, because they do not need the media surfing into their private life. It is a smart move especially if you are guilty of the very exact thing. It has been politicians to do a lot worse, and even had physical relationships. John Ensign, S.C Gov Sanford(a republican), Gary Condit (big dumb ass should have never resigned), Bill Clinton, David Vitter(prostitution ring D.C madam), and many more. All was told by their parties that the voters should decide their fate and that their thoughts and prayers are with their family(This is the norm statement from each political parties after a affair is exposed.
Should C.E.O's or your supervisor resign because they had a affair. I doubt they would, because their money is more important than theioser relationship, and their private life has nothing to do with their ability to do their job. All those before them that has resign, has lived to regret that decision in both the private and public sector, as they watch others do the same exact thing and still go on with life, their job, and the media or family storm was weathered with a clear umbrella. Yes you never forget, but could you forgive yourself for doing the same thing that others have gotten away with after the storm has cleared.

Weiner has done his job for his constituents, and it is those constituents that will ultimately give their final decision on whether he keeps his job or not. His wife has the final decision in whether she stays with him or not. But I am getting tired of politicians not telling the truth, and the lies is a big reason on why he is going through it. If Weiner would have told the truth and admitted to everything, than it would not be as big of a story. It is however clear that the hate or embarrassment of Weiner is politically motivated, based off the fact that he is one vote that is not needed in the political establishment of Republicans. While Weiners and those that really care about the American people and their oath to be representative of the people are being exposed. Their actions outweigh the protest asking for Weiner resignation as they ask for the resignations of our teachers, police department, middle class, lower class, and all those that don't fit into their job profile or establishment. This is a way to add on to the fight of asking for more than just Weiner resignation, but we are falling fools to be caught up in the Weiner scandal as they ask us to resign, and the biggest betrayal is that many others have not done anything wrong, but wanted to work hard and earn a living to feed their family. The hard work being honored and awarded through benefits that they have paid into for decades. Politicians are really wanting you to resign those benefits while they figure out a way for you to pay more money, but you stuck worrying about a Weinergate scandal.

So what he took a xxx image. So what, Kim Kardasian and many others made sex tapes, but we still treat them as if it never happen. So if she can make it into a multi million dollar reality queen by the approval of fans, than Weiner should be able to make it through this and should be recieving the same benefits, and more, because what he does is way more important to your future than what Kim Kardasian did with Ray J. But in this society, its hard to tell until the issues affect you, your household, and means in order to survive. I speak the truth, and the truth is deep, so criticize and protest if you want, it is many others including you that will be in the same seat. You would want their forgiveness, and hope they are not as harsh, but the only different between you and Weiner is that you haven't been caught. Better yet, you are not worth catching just yet.

I see a lot of concern faces in Washington as this scandal continues. A lot of closed, that use to be open windows. If I was Weiner would I quit, trust and believe I wouldnt be apologizing for shit. Like Cedric "the Entertainer" said, "I'm a grown ass man dogg." That's how I would respond. I would also states "Yes I uploaded pictures of myself, and I still don't give a fuck." Should Weiner feel sorry for the wife, and should the wife get sympathy. Not in this day and age. Hillary Clinton is a prime example of a wife that knows what her man is capable of, and will stick by him. Guess what? Her husband hasnt left her yet, and look at how powerful they still are to this present day. You expect to have a long distance relationship, which it really is, than both sides have to use some common sense. Both sides have the most stressful jobs in the world, and don't have a way to release. Maybe if they spent more time in between the sheets, than he wouldnt be looking like on television being nicknamed as a Beast. Its a tough world, and its his resignation to call. But the problem is no one else is telling the truth, because his actions is just a tree, while the news of other democrats and republicans havent gotten to the root.

The real truth is Rep Weiner in my book should resign and admit that their is something else private that is going on. It is obvious and clear that their was problems in the marriage that he does not want to make public. But oh well, their is nothing remotely wrong with what he has done. He should have admitted to it in the first place, and told the media to kiss his ass, plain and simple. Men and women that are not being satisfied in their relationships or marriage just needs to be honest with their mate, and tell them why. If their is no improvement or it isnt meeting the reasonable bar of improvement than its no need to spend your life miserable. I repeat, you only have one life to live. So dont spend one extra min or second living a lie. Sometimes the best teacher is letting them watch someone else show them how it should be done. Too many think that they have a ring on the finger, than they can ration out their love. Some people need to take that ring off, because you earned it so long ago, to the point that's the only thing you got is a ring, but you dont have nothing else that came with the ring... Lets be serious, how many Americans really think Weiner is the only one in political office that has commited the same acts. In a weird way, and to me its normal, that politicians are hoping he does not resign, because it would put pressure on them to resign. If he weathers the storm, than no one can use similiar situations in order for them to resign. Its a lose lose situation for a lot of politicians if Rep Weiner resigns. Plus if the story starts getting ladies paid, than other girlfriends of other married on in a relationship politicians will be cashing in, and they all know it. My opinion, and I'm out.


Merle T. Rutledge Jr